A serious site on a technical topic must of course also provide references. However, the sources mentioned here are not (only) to be seen as validation of the statements made on this website - instead, the sources should also be understood as literature recommendations.
My partner site (German)

The homepage of Robert Menger. The article on acoustics is absolutely successful and has many vivid animations - but there are also other interesting texts. The operator of this site has become known in various forums through his extravagant DBA project.
(German) Lautsprecherbau. Bewährte Rezepte für den perfekten Bau von Vance Dickason, Elektor-Verlag, Januar 2001, 1.Ed.

(German) Tontechnik von Thomas Görne, Verlag: Carl Hanser Verlag GmbH & Co. KG; 3. Auflage, August 2006

(German) Wahrnehmbarkeit klanglicher Unterschiede von Hochtonlautsprechern unterschiedlicher Wirkprinzipien, Andreas Rotter, Technische Universität Berlin, 2010, S. 89-90.
Forum contributions
AH, Tantris and US have published very extensive texts in various forums, some of which I would like to link here. The contributions are older but still up-to-date!
http://www.audiomap.de/forum/topic/1784-abstrahlverhalten/(German) Article by AH, Written 28 August 2000 - 09:48
Very comprehensive presentation of the requirements for neutral interception conditions
http://www.hifi-forum.de/viewthread-30-6535.html(German) Thread: Requirements for neutral reproduction of sound recordings and their relevance in practice
A very controversially discussed thread regarding neutral playback
http://www.hifi-forum.de/viewthread-30-9156.html(German) Thread: Diamond tweeter at B&W
Personally, I think the 800 series(s) from B&W are excellent speakers. However, the extremely heated discussions in this thread offer a new view on the technology, which complements the manufacturer's advertising slogans in a most interesting way.
http://www.elektronikinfo.de/audio/hifi.htm(German) The website of Christoph Caspari - Especially interesting is the article about cable sound
http://www.hifiaktiv.at/(German) The website of the according to own statement ".....maybe the only "voodoo-free" hi-fi company" with various factual texts, among others the much discussed "realistic considerations".
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